HKU Alumni


Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association

A Long Way Back: Meeting the Guterres Family
篤志成仁存浩氣 情繫骨肉留憶記 - Lt. Joaquim Jeronymo Guterres 犧牲七十五周年紀念

Jul 27, 2017

By Nixon Leung (BSc 2014; MEd 2015; EdD Year 1)


Ricci Hall Archives Conservation and Acquisition Project (RHACAP), The University of Hong Kong


Lieutenant Joaquim Jeronymo Guterres (Riccian 1930), a prominent sportsman and scholar, passed away in a prison camp on July 27, 1942.


Seventy-five years after his passing, the Ricci Hall Archives Conservation and Acquisition Project (RHACAP), The University of Hong Kong, was honoured to have the opportunity to meet and interview Mr Alberto Guterres, the eldest son of the late Lt. J J Guterres, as well as his family. We presented duplicates of our seniors’ undergraduate photos and hall souvenirs to his family on this heart-warming occasion. We were more than delighted to learn more about the life of our Riccian war hero.


Our thanks go to Dr Loretta Tam (BA 2001; alias Teresinha Ribeiro Tam), advisor of RHACAP, for her professional advice and help in liaising with the Portuguese community.



梁迭起(BSc 2014; MEd 2015; EdD Year 1)



1942年7月27日,Joaquim Jeronymo Guterres 中尉(1930年度利瑪竇人)身陷囹圄半年後,於戰俘營殞身殉港。


Guterres生於1909年,就讀於香港大學醫學院,也是利瑪竇宿舍首批宿生,及後從事保險業,事業有成。香港保衛戰期間,Guterres 為香港義勇軍第五機關槍連中尉,鎮守摩星嶺炮臺,戰事結束前與同袍破壞炮臺設備,以免日軍得手。淪陷後 Guterres 被拘於深水埗戰俘營,身罹痢疾而犧牲,年僅三十三歲,遺骨及後安葬於赤柱軍人墳場 。


時近校友殉難七十五周年紀念,香港大學利瑪竇宿舍文物保育及徵集計劃有幸於澳洲悉尼拜訪校友長子 Mr Alberto Guterres 及其家庭,呈上計劃所蒐集的校友相片,以及宿生會準備的紀念品,請教校友生平及相關資料,增進對香港保衛戰先烈的了解,為編纂宿舍戰時歷史作預備。


本訪談惠蒙計劃顧問譚宗穎博士(BA 2001)協助聯絡及提供專業意見,謹申謝忱。