HKU Alumni


Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association

Keeping the Past Alive: HKUers Connected Through the Quest for Historical Hong Kong

Apr 27, 2017

By Nixon Leung (BSc 2014; MEd 2015)

Founding Co-Convenor, Ricci Hall Archives Conservation and Acquisition Project (RHACAP), HKU


Mr Lam Woo (also known as Lam Kau-cheuk, 1871-1933) was a successful master builder, philanthropist and patriot in Hong Kong at the turn of the 20th century who supported and sponsored Dr Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary activities.


After the 1911 Revolution, Mr Lam was involved in numerous key architectural projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China. His landmark works included old Ricci Hall (opened in 1929, demolished in 1966) and Fung Ping Shan Library (opened in 1932 and currently Fung Ping Shan Museum) of The University of Hong Kong.


He also played a key role in Hong Kong education as a benefactor of Lingnan University and was one of the founders of St. Paul’s Girls’ College (currently St. Paul’s Co-educational College), as well as a keen sponsor of Diocesan Boys’ School. His family has also financed a number of namesake schools and institutional facilities, including SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School and SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School in the New Territories, along with Lam Woo Hall at St. Mark’s School in Island East.


To commemorate the contributions of Mr Lam, Professor Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung (MBBS 1962) published the biography Lam Woo: Master Builder, Revolutionary, and Philanthropist, alongside a Chinese version translated by Mr Fung Yee-wang (BA 1960). The work unearthed a handful of primary sources pivotal to the study of Ricci Hall’s (almost) 100-year history, such as a first-hand account of its foundation by the Jesuits from the local English-language newspaper Hong Kong Daily Press in 1928. Members of the Ricci Hall Archives Conservation and Acquisition Project (RHACAP): Nixon T. H. Leung, Stephen K. T. Siu (BSocSc [Govt&Laws] & LLB 5), and Donald S. C. Chan (BA & LLB 1), were deeply honoured to be invited by Mr Fung to the biography’s official launch on April 27, 2017 at St. John’s Cathedral, given the close historical ties between Mr Lam’s construction business and Ricci Hall.


Officiated by Archbishop Paul Kwong of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (HKSKH), the book launch was a euphoric afternoon filled with insights, happiness, and laughter. Dr Samuel P. N. Lam, a grandson of Mr Lam, recounted the upbringing and ventures of his beloved late grandfather. Mr Fung then shared some behind-the-scenes stories about the fascinating professional correspondence between him and the Canadian-based author, as well as the challenges and joy of translating the biography from English to Chinese. After the ceremony, the Most Reverend Paul Kwong, Dr and Mrs Samuel Lam, and Mr Fung further interacted with the guests and the student delegates from HKSKH schools at a tea gathering held on the same premises. It was a truly great pleasure for the RHACAPers to learn from, as well as share with, HKUers of different generations and members of the Lam family at this memorable event for avid historians and pious Christians alike.


More on the book Lam Woo: Master Builder, Revolutionary, and Philanthropist


梁迭起(BSc 2014; MEd 2015)





為紀念林護豐功善行,陳慕華教授(MBBS 1962)最近推出" Lam Woo: Master Builder, Revolutionary, and Philanthropist",由馮以浤老師(BA 1960)繙譯為中文本《林護:孫中山背後的香港建築商》 ,由香港中文大學出版社出版。傳記當中部分內容,與利瑪竇宿舍舊蹟有關,例如書中搜羅到1928年11月14日的《孖剌西報》,載有林護建築利瑪竇宿舍的紀錄,獲耶穌會神父潘佐治於於宿舍奠基演辭上親口致謝。這些資料提供更多素材予利瑪竇人考證舊蹟相關掌故。值此因緣,香港大學利瑪竇宿舍文物保育及徵集計劃成員梁迭起、蕭錦濤(BSocSci (Govt&Laws)& LLB 5)、陳守正 (BA & LLB 1)惠蒙馮老師邀請,參與新書發佈會,共襄盛舉。



