HKU Alumni


Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association

Wilson Cheung Water Color Painting Exhibition for the Ricci Hall Trust

Dec 1, 2017


Wilson Cheung Water Color Painting Exhibition for the Ricci Hall Trust will be held from 1 to 7 December, 2017 at 7/F Exhibition Gallery in City Hall, with the attendance of Professor Peter Mathieson, HKU President and Vice-Chancellor and Reverend Father John Yong Tang S.J., Warden of Ricci Hall, HKU. All proceeds will be donated in their entirety to the Ricci Hall Trust.


Painting has always been Wilson’s passion. At the age of 12 he attended art classes every Saturday afternoon at the Luis Chan Art Studio in Wanchai. He continued to study painting and has held two previous exhibitions at the City Hall in Hong Kong, in 1998 and 2008, for commemorating the late Reverend Father Cyril Barrett S. J., Past Warden of Ricci Hall, and raise money for the Ricci Hall trust.


Wilson Cheung obtained his bachelor’s degree in architecture at the University of Hong Kong in 1969 and became a professional architect. He is the Chairman of Aristple Consultant Ltd. in Hong Kong. He is also the President and Managing Director of a group of companies that span across geographies, notably Campustar (U.S.A.) Inc. in New York and Campustar Enterprises Ltd. in Vancouver. Wilson is also active in community affairs. He was a past president of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association and has served in various charity bodies.


Whilst studying architecture at HKU in 1960’s Wilson lived in Ricci Hall, run by the Society of Jesus. A characteristic of the Hall is the close bond developed between its members over the years. The Hall is a self-financing and independent institution. Its members have continually given their support to the Hall as to maintain its independence. For that purpose the Ricci Hall Trust was established in 1991. Administered by the Society of Jesus, the trust’s expressed object is the advancement of education including in particular the maintenance of Ricci as a hall of residence at the University of Hong Kong. It is recognized as a charity by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and donations to it are exempted from taxation.







張先生於1969年畢業於香港大學建築系,並取得香港建築師的專業資格。 除了執業為建築師之外,他亦有在香港及其他地方營商,現時主持數間在世界各地的商業機構。張先生更熱心公共事業,曾任香港大學校友會主席及參與其他慈善機構的活動。




是次畫展所得收益將全數撥捐利瑪竇堂信託基金。張先生本人亦將一筆相等於全部收益的款項,同時捐贈予基金。各位朋友如欲藉此良機直接捐款給基金,基金及張先生無任歡迎,希望作品能為朋友們帶來樂趣,並對各方支持衷心致謝。所有捐款支票請以『利瑪竇堂信託基金』或”The Ricci Hall Trust”抬頭,郵寄到香港薄扶林道九十三號湯湧神父收 (To: Rev. Fr. John Tang, S.J. Warden, Ricci Hall, 93 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong) 請在支票背後寫上捐款人姓名及地址,以便寄回捐款收據,捐款可獲香港稅務局認可豁免繳稅。