HKU Alumni


Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association

Painting Her Way: The Ink Art of Fang Zhaoling

Dec 31, 2017

Painting Her Way: The Ink Art of Fang Zhaoling

by Nixon Leung (BSc 2014; MEd 2015)


Dr Fang Zhaoling (1914 - 2006) (BA 1955; HonDLitt 1996) was born in Wuxi, China. She was one of the most innovative Chinese painters in the 20th century. Having studied with three of China’s leading painters, Qian Songyan, Zhao Shaoang, and Zhang Daqian, Dr Fang developed her own distinctive style by integrating contemporary Western elements into Chinese paintings with powerful messages. Sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, ‘Painting Her Way: The Ink Art of Fang Zhaoling’ is now exhibiting at the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre.


Being devout Catholics, the Fang family has a strong connection with Ricci Hall, the University of Hong Kong. The late Professor Harry Fang (1923 - 2009) (MBBS 1949) and Professor David Fang (MBBS 1972) are Riccians actively involved in the hall community. In early November, Professor David Fang held an exhibition tour for Jesuits Rev. Fr. Alfred Deignan (Ricci Hall Warden 1972 - 1978), Rev. Fr. Sean Coghlan (Ricci Hall Warden 1997 - 2010), Rev. Fr. Robert Nh (Ricci Hall Warden 1991 - 1997; 2011 - 2014), Rev. Fr. John Tang (Current Warden of Ricci Hall), and members of the Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association (RHOBA). Professor Fang offered his unique insights into the artistic career of his late mother, particularly her life as a diasporic artist and how she developed her unique style.


 ‘Painting Her Way: The Ink Art of Fang Zhaoling’ is exhibiting at Asia Society Hong Kong Centre from September 27 to December 31, 2017 (Opening hours - Tuesday to Sunday: 11am to 6pm. Free Admission).



梁迭起 (BSc 2014; MEd 2015)


方召麐博士 (1914 - 2006) (BA 1955; HonDLitt 1996) 生於中國無錫,為二十世紀最前衛的中國女畫家之一。她師從錢松岩、趙少昂及張大千等大師,集各家大成之餘,更熔煉西方技巧入畫,畫技別樹一幟,作品創意豐富,構思獨特,意境高遠。《道無盡:方召麐水墨藝術展》由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金獨家贊助,於亞洲協會香港中心展出方召麐的傳世畫作書法。


方氏家族篤信天主教,與香港大學利瑪竇宿舍淵源深厚。方心讓教授  (1923 - 2009) (MBBS 1949)、方津生教授  (MBBS 1972) 等知名校友,均為投入舍堂生活的利瑪竇人。策展期間,方津生教授特意親自為耶穌會狄恆神父 (利瑪竇宿舍1972 - 1978年度舍監)、谷紀賢神父 (1997 -  2010年度舍監)、吳智勳神父 (1991 - 1997、2010 - 2014年度舍監)、現任舍監湯湧神父、利瑪竇宿舍舊生會同寅等加以導賞。方津生教授幼承庭訓,屢蒙先慈方召麐博士點撥畫藝,導賞期間津津樂道方博士丹青筆意,綴以創作趣事,令人悠然神往之餘眼界大開。


《道無盡:方召麐水墨藝術展》現於香港正義道9號亞洲協會香港中心展出,展期由 2017 年 9 月 27 日至 12 月 31 日,逢星期二至日上午 11 時至下午 6 時開放,免費入場。