HKU Alumni


Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association

利瑪竇宿舍社會服務鉤沉 (1929 - 2019)

Dec 16, 2019



文: Riccians

梁迭起   Nixon Leung (BSc 2014; MEd 2015; MPhil Year 2)

鄭耀謙   Yiu Him Cheng (BEng(ME) Year 5) 

黃俊傑   Jason Wong (BEng(IELM) Year 2)



香港大學利瑪竇宿舍於1929年成立,九十年來宿生一直秉持天主教耶穌會「我為人人、與人同行」(Men for and with others) 的精神,積極服務社會。


在宿舍剛成立的三十年代,聖母會 (Sodality of Our Lady) 是宿生宗教生活中的重要部分。不少宿生把宗教上的敬虔與熱誠,引伸到將幫助社會有需要人士。根據宿舍十周年特刊,戰前宿舍社會服務蓬勃,宿生曾分別於1936、1937及1938年參與聖雲先會 (Society of St Vincent de Paul) 的周年賣物會。分別籌得200至300元、442元5角及逾千元。在38年的周年賣物會,宿生與耶穌會士、香港華仁書院、聖若瑟書院、喇沙書院等友校合作,他們繪製海報,熱心售票,於攤位設置心理測驗、電流急急棒、飛鏢等遊戲,場面十分熱鬧。宿友亦到孤兒院、工業學校、安貧小姊妹會轄下老人院探訪。此外,目睹國難當前的利瑪竇人,亦積極為中日戰爭受難民眾募款,如1937年末南京慘遭屠城,宿友為災民籌得849元善款,捐予中華醫藥救濟會。舍監李步仁神父 (Rev. Fr. Kelly, Brian S.J.) 贈飯予貧童,宿生亦熱中與他們聊天,解決所需。這都展現出戰前宿舍社會服務多元的面向。













Leung, Nixon Tit-hei, Loretta Chung-wing Tam, Parrey Yiu-him Cheng and Wai-chi Chee . ‘Adapting for Social Good: A Case of Identity-based Mentoring Innovations for Ethnic Minority Teenagers in a Residential Hall Community.’ Conference Paper presented at the International Conference on “Imagining the Future: Community Innovation and Social Resilience in Asia”, organized by the Centre of Urban History, Culture and Media, Institute of Future Cities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Feb 23-24, 2017.





  Serving a Purpose:  Volunteering work & High Table Dinner with Kai-fongs


文: Riccians

黃俊傑   Jason Wong (BEng (IELM) Year 2 student)

梁迭起   Nixon Leung (BSc 2014; MEd 2015; MPhil Year 2)

成栢瑞   Gurpreet Singh (BSc (Sp&HearSc) Year 4)







在9月,宿舍與「開檯食飯」再度合作,由本地宿生與海外交流生烹熬足料 「清補涼」靚湯,為西環邨老友記送上佳節祝福,與長者及街坊深入傾談。熬湯期間,本地宿生與海外交流生獲當地街坊義工導賞,參觀石塘咀、堅尼地城一帶,加深對社區的了解和認識。一如我們從英國來的新同學Andrew 所說,是次體驗令人獲益良多。海外同學除了有機會親手作羹湯,更能仔細觀察本地早期落成的公共屋邨,並感受到住戶熱情的好客之道。




“It's a valuable opportunity to share my learning experience with a community that may not have the same resources that I've received over the years. Aside from the reinforcement of my own knowledge during the process of tutoring, I also appreciate the warm and lively family that left fond memories throughout the experience.”

Ricci Hall, HKU collaborated with Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre (CMCSKCC) during the summer, with Riccians providing academic support to students from the neighboring community, followed by delicious home cooked food prepared by parents of the students in “Neighborhood Kitchen” in Woo Hop Street, Shek Tong Tsui. The community services allowed our students to have a better understanding of the family situation of our neighbors, and provided ample opportunities to contribute to social harmony.


Followed by the mentorship scheme in the summer, local and international hallmates of Ricci Hall HKU prepared and delivered “Tsing Po Leung” Soup for the elderly & “Kai-fong” in Sai Wan Estate with the Neighborhood Kitchen. During the preparation, hallmates visited Shek Tong Tsui & Kennedy Town, guided by experienced CMCSKCC volunteers. They were impressed by the past and present of the robust community.


As suggested by Andrew, our newly arrived international hallmate from the United Kingdom, the experience was very rewarding as the international students not only had a hands-on experience of cooking the soup, they were also able to observe one of Hong Kong’s oldest public housing estates and meet some of the gracious and friendly residents living there.


We had the honor of having Mr. Wai-leung Chan (Riccian 1988), the Service Head of Youth and Community Service and Community Development Service in Caritas Hong Kong & Mr. Edmond Chi-hung Wong, Senior Social Work Supervisor in CMCSKCC and their team, as well as client family members as our Guests at our second High Table Dinner. After dinner, they explained the services of Caritas, and described the living conditions and difficulties of subdivided flats in the Central and Western Districts. Our students, who have been helping with soup preparation and delivery, tutoring and storytelling, community tours, etc., also shared their experiences and encouraged hallmates to continue our volunteering work in the community so as to live up to the spirit of “Men for and with others”. We were especially delighted by the delicious assorted mushroom and cucumber salads prepared by our fellow kai-fongs!



More stories in RICCI, Ricci Hall Newsletter