HKU Alumni


HKU Chongqing Alumni Network

Congratulations - HKU Chongqing Alumni Network inaugurated on 1 June 2018
恭賀 香港大學重慶校友會創會就職典禮暨高桌晚宴

Jun 1, 2018



Congratulations to the HKU Chongqing Alumni Network, in particular its first President Terence Cheung 張廣達 (BSocSc 1990) and the first Exco Members Chen Siyu 陳思宇 (MPH 2013), Yin Yu 殷語 (MSc(ITE) 2015), Li Bing 李兵 (PhD 2016), Qin Peng 秦鵬 (PhD 2017), Yang Xin 陽欣 (MSc(LIM) 2017) and Zhang Hao 張昊 (MStat 2014)


“昔時求學港大,香江有月明我以德; 今日築夢重慶,兩江毓秀一水共飲。”

香港大學重慶校友會成形於2017年年初,已滙集了來自會計、城市規劃、建築、醫學和教育行業的70多位校友加入。校友會將秉持“聯結校友,分享經歷,共同進步” 的理念,為港大校友搭建温暖、熱情的聯絡平台。


Message from Terence Cheung 張廣達  (BSocSc 1990), President of HKU Chongqing Alumni Network






Message from Dr Steven Cannon 康諾恩博士, HKU Executive Vice-President (Administration & Finance)


I am so very pleased to be here in Chongqing on such a happy and momentous occasion.

Happy because we are amongst friends. Friends who come together to celebrate a common bond. Momentous because tonight we are here to recognise and celebrate the inauguration of HKU Chongqing Alumni Network under its first Executive Committee led by President Terence.


The life blood of any University are its students, its staff and its alumni. The strength and the success of the University requires the continuous engagement and contribution of all three. It is relatively easy to engage staff and students – it is much more of a challenge to engage the alumni.  Our task is to make the University as relevant, as vibrant and as important to our alumni today as it was to them ten, twenty, thirty even fifty years ago. That task is made much easier when the University can draw on the strength and support of a strong alumni network.


Terence, I am confident that under your leadership and the good effort of the Committee, the Chongqing Network will enjoy great success in the years to come and strengthen the links among fellow alumni and their affiliation with their alma mater.


Tonight, Chongqing joins our sister networks in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Pearl River Delta as members of the HKU extended family – you bring a great deal to that family and you are warmly welcomed.


Chongqing has a significant history and culture and serves as the economic centre of the upstream Yangtze basin. It is recognised as one of China’s emerging megacities - an economic powerhouse but its political, historical and cultural contribution is no less importance indeed it adds significant value to Chongqing as a destination of choice.


I know of no finer poem and no better description of “the night rain in the Ba Mountains 巴山夜雨”  than in the poem by Li Shangyin (李商隱)


You asked of my date of return, I alas have none to tell.
In Bashan night rains in autumn, the pools and puddles swell.
How I long to be with you, your west wing candles to trim, and 
To talk of the times and hours when in Bashan night rains fell.


So, this Chongqing Alumni Network will be an anchor not only for hundreds of alumni who are working and residing in this area but a beacon for our extended network - over 40,000 in the mainland, 220,000 across the globe. 


As alumni, you represent HKU wherever you go, whatever you do. You take our name, our reputation, our values, into everything you do.  We ask you to share your experience of HKU with those who your actions will touch and influence.  Share them with the industries and societies you will shape.  Share them with the global village of which you are part.  Assist those who will follow the path that you have trod so successfully.  Take an active role in shaping the future of your institution – be a mentor, lend your expertise, share your success – If you like you can even give us money -  donate a scholarship or sponsor a project.


In return we at the University undertake to acknowledge your contribution – not just in the past but in the present and future. We will celebrate your past achievements, but we will continually push the boundaries and frontiers of knowledge – we will take risks, we will be bold, and we will be courageous.  We are proud of you – we will make you proud of us.


We undertake to keep you informed and in touch. Through our publications and communications, we will update you on the latest developments at the University. We will keep you up to date and in touch with current developments and former colleagues. Join the Alumni WeChat Group, scan the QR Code, keep us up to date as you move around.


With your support our University will scale new heights. QS will announce next week that the University has moved to the top 25 in the QS rankings.  We intend to move higher – We are a University in China for China – we are Asia’s Global University.


So tomorrow I will leave the White Emperor crowned with cloud and whilst I do not know the date of return I know that it will not be long before I do - and - when I do - we will celebrate your success and the success of HKU then as we have done this evening.


A final thanks to Terence, and to the officials and friends of HKU and this fine city.  I wish you all the very best.”


More about the Inauguration and High Table Dinner
港大在渝校友會創會 (香港商報)