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Chinese community leader in New Zealand

Chinese community leader in New Zealand

Manying Ip 葉宋曼瑛BA 1967

Congratulations to Professor Manying Ip, President of HKU Alumni Association of New Zealand and HKU overseas mentor, for being awarded the Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) 2018!


Professor Ip is an Emeritus Professor of Asian Studies at the University of Auckland. She is the well-known and respected author of several critically acclaimed books on Chinese New Zealanders, including “Aliens at My Table: Asians as New Zealanders See Them” (2005), Being Māori-Chinese: Mixed Identities” (2008), and “Transmigration and the New Chinese: Theories and practices from the New Zealand experience” (2011). In 2004, she co-directed “New Faces Old Fears”, a television documentary that explored racism, multiculturalism and social cohesion faced by Asians in New Zealand.


"My greatest hope is that Chinese New Zealanders will become as mainstream as Māori New Zealanders, Pakeha New Zealanders. We are a piece of the cultural mosaic. We are as 'New Zealander' as anybody else."


"People are not so different, basically. Everyone who comes to New Zealand wants to get a better education for their children. They cherish the clean, green environment. They want a better future for themselves and their families ... Basically, everyone wants New Zealand to be better", said Professor Ip in a radio interview upon her being made CNZM.


The full radio interview of Professor Ip can be found at Radio New Zealand’s website.

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