HKU Alumni



  • 香港大學中文學院90周年院慶晚宴
Date Oct 21, 2017
Time 19:00 - 22:00
Venue Maxim’s Palace Chinese Restaurant, 2/F, City Hall, 5-7 Edinburgh Place, Central
Price 1. HK$900 per person.
2. HK$10,800 per table of 12 persons.
3. Free of charge for children under the age of 3 not occupying a seat.
Organiser School of Chinese


Register HERE

九十周年院慶活動 School of Chinese 90th Anniversary activities:


International Conference on “The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons”

– October 20-21, 2017
– Centennial Campus, HKU
– Details:

Celebration Dinner 院慶晚宴
– October 21, 2017
– Maxim’s Palace Chinese Restaurant (2/F, Hong Kong City Hall, Central)
– Banquet Ticket
     - HK$900 per person
     - HK$10,800 per table of 12 persons
– Details and reservation: