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Reunion Stories

Ecological & Biodiversity Graduates Reunion

Sep 25, 2015

In the photo:

Yamme Leung 梁恩銘 (BSc 2001, MSc 2006)

Katherine Leung 梁嘉善 (BSc 2003)

Fion Cheung 張嘉穎 (BSc 2004)

Allen To 杜偉倫 (BSc 2004; PhD 2009),

Angela Lam 林嘉琪 (BSc 2006)

Lai Nga Yee 黎雅儀 (BSc 2008)

Michelle Luk 陸妍 (BSc 2010; MPhil 2014)

Ken Chan 陳翰奇 (BSc 2010, MPil 2013)

Kitty Tang 鄧正澄 (BSc 2011)

Lily Lam 林珏俐 (BSc 2013)


It has become a tradition for undergraduates enrolled in the Ecological & Biodiversity curriculum (formerly Department of Ecology & Biodiversity) to undertake a week-long residential field trip at the Pak Tam Chung camp. On top of the fun, BBQ and beer that are must-have elements, undergraduates are immersed into learning all the ecology and biodiversity in the nearby stream, shrub land, sandy and rocky shores.


On one occasion we all gathered at the Pak Tam Chung camp for our organizational event. Despite the huge gaps in terms of the graduation year among all of us, the residential field course is one key piece of memory that echoed deeply among us. Thank you professors and all people involved to keep this a signature and unique experience for all of us (and the future undergraduate to come)!